ABC's of Dog Breeding Seminar

Presented By
Claudia Waller Orlandi, PhD

The ABC’s seminar has been presented at over 150 dog clubs, National Specialties and AKC Canine Health Conferences throughout the country.


The ABC’s of Dog Breeding Seminar is designed to complement the ABC’s of Breeding Home Study Program and is sponsored by the American Kennel Club and Canine Health Foundation. The seminar and home study programs were developed to help fill the need for an affordable, easy-to-understand course of study on dog breeding and are suitable for club structured breeder’s education and appropriate for breeders of all breeds of dog.

The goal of the ABC’s of Dog Breeding is to take a practical, step-by-step-approach to the art and science of breeding.

The ABC’s seminar is an introduction to the topics that are covered in the ABC’s of Dog Breeding Home Study Program and explains many of the practical genetic breeding principles that can benefit breeders of all breeds of dogs. Included in the seminar is an optional hands-on workshop with live dogs on how to estimate forequarter and hindquarter angulation. Easy-to-use measuring tools are part of this workshop.

Clubs who are interested in the seminar should contact Claudia Orlandi at email:

There is no charge for this seminar other than travel expenses. 

Claudia is currently living in Spain for part of the year, while maintaining her breeding program here in the United States. She is presently working on a narration of her popular seminars, which will be available on the AKC website through breeders’ education sometime in the future.