Frequently Asked Questions
about the
Practical Canine Anatomy & Movement Seminar

By Claudia Waller Orlandi, PhD

What do you charge for the seminar? and

How do we make your book available?

I don’t charge for the seminar itself but do charge for travel and hotel expenses. I HIGHLY recommend that you do a pre-registration. Without a pre-registration for the seminar and you won’t know how many people to expect.  A sample pre-registration form is included at the end of this FAQ.

Practical Canine Anatomy & Movement Hardcopy is now available at the AKC Online Store.

How much do clubs usually charge for those who wish to attend your seminar?

How much a club charges depends on the club’s finances.  Some clubs that offer education at a National specialty, for example, may pick up the entire cost  of the seminar and offer the whole program free of charge to their members.  Other clubs can’t afford to do this and need to have attendees pay to cover the cost of the room, etc.  It depends entirely on what works best for your club.

What about airline reservations? Airport pick-up? For how long do you require a hotel room?

I will need to know the airport into which I will fly.  I prefer to make my own flight reservations and always try to get the lowest possible fare.  I generally do not like to arrive the same day I am to give a presentation, especially in the winter when so much can go wrong with the weather and the fact that I am flying from Burlington, Vermont.  Much depends on your location and on when the presentation is scheduled to start. If it begins at 8:30 in the morning, which many of them do, then I need to arrive the day before.  If I can fly out after giving the presentation and not have to stay another night, I’m happy to do so.  Some clubs have me take a shuttle to the hotel and others send people to pick me up.  It will depend on what works best for your club and location.  I’m happy to work with you in any way I can.

I will need to have the phone or cell number of someone to contact once I begin the trip.

What type of equipment do you need for the presentation?

Unless the club has an available LCD projector and computer, I will bring my own computer and LCD but I will need the following:

~ A projection screen

~ A lavaliere microphone (the type that clips to your suit)

~ An audio-visual table on which to set up equipment

~ An extension cord and electrical hook up

~ A grooming table and live dogs, if you wish a hands-on workshop

(see below)

How long is the Practical Canine Anatomy & Movement presentation?

I will need to know how long you wish the seminar to be.  The average seminar is about 2 to 2 1/2 hours but this can be lengthened, depending on what works best for you. I need to have a minimum of 2 hours.

Is there anything else we should know?

I also offer an optional hands-on workshop on how to evaluate forequarter and hindquarter angulation and placement in dogs.  I like to use live dogs for this demonstration, if possible.  My including this workshop is entirely up to you.  There is no charge, since I consider it part of the presentation.

What is your contact information to speak to you about a seminar?

Claudia Orlandi

P O Box 169

Essex Jct, VT 05453-0169


Do you have a description of your presentation which we can use for advertising purposes?

The description that follows may be used in its entirety or in an abbreviated format, depending on what you feel would be appropriate for your group and the amount of space you have available for copy.

ADVERTISING COPY FOR: The Practical Canine Anatomy & Movement Seminar By Claudia Waller Orlandi, PhD

Dr. Claudia Orlandi, of Essex Junction, Vermont, has been in the fancy for over 50 years. She has successfully bred Basset Hounds for more than 25 years under the Topsfield prefix and with her late husband, Dom, has produced over 140 champions. Topsfield Bassets have won more than 120 All-Breed Bests in Show and hold numerous Breed and All-Breed show records. The top group-winning dog and the top-producing dam in the history of the breed were bred by Topsfield and the top winning dam was sired by a Topsfield dog. Claudia’s enthusiasm for breeding is matched only by her passion for teaching and working with other breeders. Her ABC’s of Dog Breeding and Practical Canine Anatomy & Movement self-study courses form part of the AKC’s Bred with H.E.A.R.T. education program, reflecting her belief that anyone can understand the practical rules of genetics and canine structure in their quest to breed better, healthier dogs. Knowledge, coupled with integrity and honesty about health problems, are cornerstones of her breeding and teaching philosophy. Claudia has authored numerous articles and for many years chaired BHCA Judges’ and Breeders’ Education for which she developed an educational concept called Basset Hound University, whose course designs are available for parent clubs to use as templates. Claudia never charges for her popular seminars and has spoken at over 150 dog clubs and AKC/CHF Breeder’s Symposia. She judges Basset Hounds, Dachshunds, PBGV’s, Beagles, Basenjis, Rhodesian Ridgebacks and Junior Showmanship. She is a 2009 Dogs in Review Outstanding Breeder nominee, winner of the 2009 American Kennel Club Breeder of the Year award and a finalist for the 2016 AKC Lifetime Achievement Award. In 2015 she was honored by Dog Fancy Magazine as one of the “45 people who changed the dog world” by helping to improve dog breeding and making canine genetics easier to understand. The Practical Canine Anatomy & Movement Program: Practical Canine Anatomy & Movement is designed to be an introduction for the novice and a review for experienced judges and breeders. Successful breeding and judging draw upon talents that are both science and art. The science of breeding and judging is a working knowledge of canine anatomy and movement; the art of breeding and judging is having an “eye for a dog,” or the ability to correctly and easily evaluate the dog as one piece when it is both standing and in motion. In its attempt to discuss individual anatomical parts in terms of the whole dog, Practical Canine Anatomy and Movement is guided by science and art and takes a lay person’s approach to a potentially complex subject. Part I of the textbook discusses key skeletal and surface parts of the dog standing that judges and breeders should know and approaches the topic of canine anatomy from the point of view of evaluating the standing dog’s structural balance based on 4 important elements, which include (1) size, (2) substance, (3) stance and (4) proportions. Part II looks at the dog in motion from the judges’ and breeders’ point of view. By discussing the standing and moving dog’s individual parts and how they relate to its structural balance, the goal is to reinforce the important judging and breeding principles of never losing sight of the whole dog and the idea that no one feature is ever more important than the sum of a dog’s parts. Learning to evaluate the dog as “one piece” is one of the unifying themes of our discussion because it goes hand in hand with learning to develop an eye for a dog. Complex technical terminology and anatomical concepts appropriate for veterinarians and engineers are not the focus of this work. Rather the goal is a practical, layman’s approach that can help anyone, regardless of their breed or experience, learn to understand what they see regarding their dog’s structure and motion.

A Sample Pre-Registration Form below:


The Practical Canine Anatomy & Movement seminar is easy to understand and fun to learn. The session will be followed by a hands-on workshop on how to estimate shoulder angulation and placement.

Who: Claudia Orlandi

What: ABC’s of Dog Breeding Seminar

When: Friday, January 20, 200? 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. ?

Where: ??????????
Cost: $25 each or $30/Couple

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * date????????????????? * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

Pre-Registration Form

I would like to sign up for the seminar ($?? per person; $?? per couple)

Mail form and check made out to My Kennel Club to:

Jane Doe, 1234 Dog Lane, Anywhere, State 00000-1111

For further information contact C Doe at (555) 555-5555 or

John Smith at Smith@net (111) 111-1111