Practical Canine Anatomy & Movement


Presented By

Claudia Waller Orlandi, Ph D

The Practical Canine Anatomy and Movement Seminar is presented at dozens of dog clubs and National Specialties throughout the country.


The Practical Canine Anatomy seminar was developed at the request of the Dog Judges Association of America (DJAA) and is presented throughout the country as part of the ABC’s of Dog Breeding all day seminar (typically 7 hours).

Practical Canine Anatomy and Movement is also presented as a stand alone seminar at various venues, including judges institutes, independent dog clubs and numerous National Specialties as part of their education program during Nationals week.  The Anatomy seminar is typically 2 to 3 hours in length. 

The goal of Practical Canine Anatomy and Movement is to take a practical, step-by-step-approach to give the participants a greater understanding of both Structure and Movement.
The Practical Canine Anatomy & Movement Seminar can include A Parent Club’s Illustrated Standard

Because all breeds of dogs have the same bones and muscles, The Practical Canine Anatomy seminar can be a stand alone presentation that relates to any breed or it can be designed to include images and text taken directly from a Parent Club’s Illustrated Standard, which personalizes the presentation for attendees with regard to specific breed knowledge. 

Hands-On Workshop

An optional part of the seminar is a hands-on workshop with live dogs where attendees learn how to correctly evaluate angulation in dogs. Measuring tools are provided as part of the seminar.  The typical length of the anatomy seminar and workshop is between 2 to 3 hours.

The Practical Canine Anatomy Home Study Program

Although the practical canine anatomy workbook material and home study program is included in the ABC’s of Dog Breeding Home Study Program, it is also available as a stand alone publication under the title of Practical Canine Anatomy.  This publication includes a textbook portion, a series of workbook exercises and a set of flashcards. 

As with the ABC’s of Dog Breeding seminar, there is no charge for the Practical Canine Anatomy seminar itself, just for travel and hotel expenses. As word of this seminar has spread, more and more parent clubs are booking this seminar as well as requesting that it include references to their Illustrated Standard.

Clubs who are interested in the seminar should contact Claudia Orlandi at email:

There is no charge for this seminar other than travel expenses.